
This is for parents of kids of all ages, it really is never is too late to show up and model emotional agility. At a time when kids (and parents) are deeply struggling with anxiety I struggle to think of many things more important than this topic.

Raising emotionally agile children with Susan David https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHSeCXm7DeE

This one hits close to home for me.  I am a bit of a fish out of water asking for help.  Many of you can relate to this challenge.  Our growth is in YeYoon’s message.   

What kids can teach adults about asking for help by YeYoon Kim https://www.ted.com/talks/yeyoon_kim_what_kids_can_teach_adults_about_asking_for_help#t-500314

Jerry never disappoints, he is hands down the coach I admire most and have learned from the most. This is a must watch for any of you focused on “grow up” work, within this work a truly meaningful life unfolds.

The future of learning with Jerry Colonna https://vimeo.com/463844580 

This past week’s theme was discomfort.  It is so important to remind ourselves that when we are “below the line” this is where we find our source of strength, our core values and our purpose. A few favourite quotes come to mind…

“The crack is how the light get’s in.” Leonard Cohen

“Discomfort is the price we pay for a meaningful life.” Susan David



